May 31, 2020
Today the right aileron went on the wing for the first time. This required fabricating a spacer and sorting a variety of washers. Once we got it everything bolted into place it moved freely though and was exciting to see.
Using the jig included in the kit, I centered up the bell crank and set the length of the shorter pushrod tube. The aileron centering tool we made a few days ago was finally put to use and we torqued down the lock nuts on the pushrod tube where the aileron lined up nicely in trail of the wing.

Once the aileron was mostly in place, we put the flap on and drilled the hinge to the wing. Surprisingly, everything lined up really nice after a little shifting. There are two methods of mounting the flap, leave the hinge wire as one long piece and run it through the aileron mount or cut the wire into two pieces and insert them both into the center of the hinge by removing a couple of eyelets. We decided on the latter, since it allows the flap to be removable without having to take the aileron off in the future.
(Total Build Time: 231.5 hrs)