Day 47 – Errands

The morning started with food resupply at the Dollar General followed by picking up new insoles at the outfitters, and a haircut. Nobody in town had the copper super feet insoles that I'd been wearing, so I had to settle for blue. We'll see how they feel after a long day. There were a lot... Continue Reading →

Day 46 – Forbidden City

We finally made it, we crossed the state line and we're out of Tennessee and have reached Damascus, VA. What should have been 5 days turned into 9, far too long but shit happens. Crossing into Virginia! Rabbit and Cat dropped the five of us (Cricket, Caboose, Peanut, Prairie Dog and myself) back at the... Continue Reading →

Day 46 – 50 Video

I've made it from Rabbit Hole Hostel to Marion Virginia. The blog posts record the days in detail but check out the video for additional commentary on the trek.

Day 45 – Take a Break

Today became an unplanned zero. Peanut didn't get the stomach bug back in Erwin but she's go it full force now. We all decided to hang out in Rabbit Hole for the day to let her recover. I won some chess games, lost some checkers games. It was a decent day, but everyone is eager... Continue Reading →

Day 44 – Go Back, Do It Right

I'm still amazed by the difference 24 hours can make. The weather today was beautiful. We left our packs at Rabbit Hole and got a shuttle back up the trail to hike the 16 miles we skipped yesterday. The walk was pretty easy and the views of the lake through the tress were great. We... Continue Reading →

Day 43 – Today Was A$$

Peanut put it perfectly, today was ass. We woke up in the rain, everyone's tents were soaked. The skies cleared  a little and we mustered up enough motivation to make the 0.2 mile hike the rest of the way to Boots Off hostel. It started raining and it was a torrential downpour. We stopped for... Continue Reading →

Day 42 – Cold Soaked Feet

I wasn't sure how my foot was going to hold up today so I made a point of getting up and out of camp early, before everyone else. The terrain was mostly flat again, only one big "up" to get over at the end of the day. My foot held up reasonably well through the... Continue Reading →

Day 41 – The Hurt Doesn’t Stop

Today was the worst day on the trail yet. My foot is still bruised and isn't getting better. I'm walking with a limp and in an annoying amount of pain. The terrain isn't difficult, for that I'm glad but I'm still going slow just favoring the foot. Cricket and Prairie Dog had to stop by... Continue Reading →

Day 40 – Fashion Statement

We've finished a section of the trail referred to as "The Balds", it's been my favorite part so far - the views have been phenomenal. We stopped for lunch at the top of Hump Mountain, Peanut did a victory dance (check out this week's video). My left foot hurt way more than I expected based... Continue Reading →

Day 39 – The Barn

El Dorado set out early, around 5 am. He and all the other hammock campers were sharing tarp and so it left the other two guys in the middle of a field with just their sleeping bags. This set off the cascade of everyone starting to pack up but I still wasn't on the trail... Continue Reading →

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