July 27, 2020
Drilled the firewall, made panel mounts and drilled to forward canopy decks. Match drilled all the holes on the upper forward skin. Drilled all the holes through the firewall for the skin mount. Drilled the center subpanel rib to the firewall. In order to line everything up, I moved the skin backwards 2 holes so there was a gap between the skin and the firewall. This allowed me to fit the 90 degree drill through the hold and drill 2 holes using the rib as a drill guide to drill through the firewall. After that, I removed the skin and match drilled the remaining 4 holes through the firewall. Deburred everything and dimpled everything except the skin.
I also installed the F7114 braces on the floor. These can be done any time but now seemed as good a time as any. I used some hardware store bolts and ground the threads down a little to make them easier to get in and out. Once the brackets were bolted to the spar and adjusted for height, I used the holes in the skin to drill for the 5 AN3 bolts. These were pretty simple, but both had to have a little material removed to clear one of the rivets on the side skin.
(Total Build Time: 470.6)