I wasn’t sure how my foot was going to hold up today so I made a point of getting up and out of camp early, before everyone else. The terrain was mostly flat again, only one big “up” to get over at the end of the day.
My foot held up reasonably well through the morning, I had lunch at a waterfall and soaked it in the river for a while – the repeated cold soaks seem to really help. The trail continued along the river and it was a pleasant section.

Once I’d reached the top of the climb I took an hour to call Kacy while the sweat dried. It was good to catch up with her, it’d been a while since I’d had service for more than the occasional text.

It’s only hitting the 70’s during the day but it’s crazy how sweaty the hikes are getting. I’m a little anxious for the summer temps, though with longer days maybe I’ll start taking siestas during the hottest days.
I hadn’t seen the tramily all day, found most of them in camp just shy of the “Boots Off” hostel. Cricket walked into camp about an hour after me, she’d pulled a 24 mile day to catch up after the late start hunting down her package yesterday. Apparently Prairie Dog is slacking in another hostel, maybe we’ll see him in Damascus.
The visors that Peanut got everyone are great conversation starters. Some of the other hikers think they’re great, some think they’re absolutely terrible. Either way, I think it’s fun.
Day 42 Mileage: 15.7 mi [Stream Campsite -> Pond Mountain Wilderness]
Total Mileage: 436.1 mi