Day 40 – Fashion Statement

We've finished a section of the trail referred to as "The Balds", it's been my favorite part so far - the views have been phenomenal. We stopped for lunch at the top of Hump Mountain, Peanut did a victory dance (check out this week's video). My left foot hurt way more than I expected based... Continue Reading →

Backpacking Menu

Kacy here, we've put off the food planning until the very end but it's got to be done and I've done most of the prep for both of us to start out. There is a re-supply store 4 days into the hike so we're only planning for five-ish days worth of food. Below are all... Continue Reading →

DIY Trekking Pole Selfie Stick

In today's video I describe how I transformed one of my trekking poles into a selfie stick. Combining these two tools, I have less weight to carry and I'll still be able to capture great content to share with you guys. Parts: Trekking Pole Electrical Tape 1/4"-20 bolt (as short as you can find)... Continue Reading →

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